Carols in Tooting
A Buddhist and her non-aligned friend dropped into the New Testament Assembly in Beechcroft Road for their Imagine Hope Gospel Carol Concert on Saturday, not knowing exactly what to expect and left pleasantly surprised, moved and uplifted! Some of the singing was so good it brought ecstatic responses from the congregation, particularly “Blessed Voices“, a four piece gospel a capella group who literally blew the crowd away with their harmonies. The power of the collective and unrestrained joy in the communal were evident for all to experience. Vital ingredients for any community in the coming post oil age – aren’t we lucky to have such a melting pot on our doorstep? I can’t wait for the Tooting Earth Talk Walk in January to discover more of Tooting’s hidden gems.
Merry Christmas to everyone and here’s looking forward to TTT going from strength to strength in 2009. DT