Need to pause to take stock of the last few weeks before getting ready for exciting summer of events coming up….. The National Transition Conference held at Battersea Arts Centre 2 weeks ago was a spectacular success.

Transition initiatives from all over the UK and those from further afield. Our own Sadiq Khan was heard to declare in this interview that ‘Transition has legs’ – that’s good! It was Sadiq with help from local Councillors and Transition team Tooting that were responsible for getting the Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change, Ed Milliband, to make an appearance at the Conference on Friday May 22nd. Milliband duly joined the 350 transitioners present to discuss over 100 issues – from the current state of oil depletion to building resilient local economies to how to run food growing workshops.Listen to his interview with Rob Hopkins and Peter Lipman here.

Sounds like he’s pretty interested in the Transition experiment. Team Tooting then pulled out all the stops for the 2 Hour Energy Descent Action plan which with help from a total team of 40 dramatised the ’12 steps’ of transition around the Grand Hall.
Film coming shortly. There was SO much to learn from others present at the conference about how other communities are managing this extraordinary process of changemaking at grass roots level. It was affirming to read
Madeleine Bunting’s views the next day on how the Transition movement is a positive force to be reckoned with looking peak oil and climate change squarely in the eye…

Tooting’s next steps for a summer of events over the next few weeks are ready to go: the piloting the Trashcatchers’ Carnival at the Midsummer Funday in Tooting on June 13th 12-4.30pm; screenings of Age of Stupid (7pm on June 18th, The Bedford on Balham Hill; June 29th at Springfield Hospital and July 3rd Tooting Graveney School). And hurray we finally have a leaflet to hand around. The Tooting Town Centre manager has also asked us to take care of one of the Town’s noticeboards so people can pick up on what’s happening as they stroll around….Lots going on and elderflowers to be picked for cordial making next weekend as well..