Two recent local low-carbon living events
Carbon Conversations
On Monday evening 25th June, we started our latest series of Carbon Conversations workshops with a talkative and diverse group. We will cover a lot – in particular focusing on what can be achieved at the individual, family and community levels.
Last evening we explored some of language & jargon of talking about ‘carbon’ as a shorthand for the impact of greenhouse gases, linked with energy use, cost saving, health, happiness, quality of life, and nature. Secondly we looked specifically at the numbers and relationships in measuring one’s carbon footprint: a valuable place to start.
More to come!
PS: thanks to Sophie at WBC for the Carbon Conversations shout-out at
Furzedown Low Carbon Zone (the ‘FLCZ’)
At the Furzedown Festival’s Big Day Out on 23rd June, the FLCZ celebrated our first year of activities by having a pop-up AGM that ran through the afternoon, with any one who came to our stand. We had some great conversations with local people who would like to be involved – thank you. Please click here to read our short Annual Report, and please comment on our plans.
We ran some games too – including the food chain game, in which players rank foods from high to low carbon impact, by lining up large-scale painted boxes from the market.
Have a look below at some of the ways it was played….and come and try it sometime.