Green Drinks

Green Drinks is all about exploring the wonderful new world being created under our very noses. Through speakers, discussion facilitators and movies, Green Drinks seeks to inspire and provoke in a friendly and respectful way.
COMING UP NEXT: Richard Glassborrow (London Beekeeping Association) brings all his knowledge of pollinators and bee keeping. Wednesday 19th May, 7.30 -9pm.

End of Year Celebration!
We, at Transition Town Tooting, want to extend a genuine invitation to an end of year celebration on Wednesday 18th December at The Selkirk Pub in Tooting, from 7.30pm. Don’t know about you, but recognising the projects and partnerships we’ve had over the last 12 months and celebrating the work we do together to make ...

TTT Makes the Guardian in Rob Hopkins Article
TTT is pleased to be included in today’s Guardian newspaper article featuring Rob Hopkins’ new book What Is to What If: Unleashing the Power of Imagination to Create The Future We Want The paper version of today’s Guardian Well done to media mogul Mal for getting some photos sent over in the nick of time featuring the ...
May 2019 Newsletter
This month’s newsletter can be read HERE Don’t forget tomorrow’s Restart/Sewstart Party at Mushkil Aasaan 1.30 till 4.30. All welcome.
Tooting Speaks! The big dilemmas of local food
30 passionate Tooting folk came to The Selkirk (thanks so much Ben and the team!) on Wednesday night to join our 4 fantastic speakers, Kemi Akinola, Robert Biel, Robyn Knight and Sue Sheehan, in wrestling with the big dilemmas of sustainable food systems and what we can do locally. Our title was “Local Food is ...

Is Capitalism the best system for a sustainable future? Tooting speaks!
On Wednesday 18th April, Tooting Green Drinks played host to our first debate! Why run a debate? This was an experiment to engage more people and look beyond our (albeit wonderful!) usual hard working suspects. And it was to explore some of the more divisive areas of sustainability. It worked! 40 people (ish) came along to ...
We meet pretty much every month, online at the moment, and have discussed loads of different aspects of the transition we seek to a low carbon, socially and environmentally just future.
Green Drinks is a really open way to meet people and hear informative and entertaining presentations by excellent people, it really is for everyone! Its also served as a lovely way for people to introduce themselves to the group and see of Transition Town Tooting is for them.
What would you like to see at Tooting Green Drinks? What would you love to hear more about in a fun and informal setting? Do you have an experience to share?
If you’d like to join, please request to join the Tooting Green Drinks Private Facebook Group.
Here’s what we’ve been chatting about stretching back over the last 3 or 4 years:
- April 21st: Incredible Edible Todmorden come tell their wonderful story of food activism that has inspired so many Incredible Edible gropups around the world. We’ll be joined by Mary Clear, Chairperson and co-founder. Youtube of the talk is here.
- 20th January: Vegetanuary Special – sharing stories about food!
- 16th Dec. End of Year social.
- July 1st: Mental Health in Lockdown and the importance of Connection, with David Thorne.
- June 17th: Movie night! The Economics of Happiness, a 65 minute movie about re-localization, great counterpoint to the role of big business
- June 3rd: Sustainability and business – what’s happening? Who are the leaders? Can we achieve the change needed within the current paradigm? with Jacqui Machin. Blog is here.
- May 27th: Intro to Permaculture with Muneezay Jaffery
- May 13th: Tooting Healthy Streets – how do we open our streets to be healthier, more pedestrian and cycle friendly?
- April 29th: Transition Stories and Song – a takeover by Rapid Transition Alliance.
- April 22nd: Open Forum for Community Discussion
- April 15th: Green and Open Space – Who needs it anyway?
- March 18th: Community response to Coronavirus – a space for conversation
- February 2020, we were joined by Rebecca Newsom, Head of Politics at Greenpeace UK, for the lowdown on Pushing for Policy Change.
- January 2020 saw Vegetanuary! Our annual month sharing and enjoying vegetarian/vegan food. An excellent sharing of all the ingredients of our food system.
- Resina who helped us make Ecobricks!
- Resina and Belinda who gave a wonderful talk and debated Ecobricking.
- Kath Church from Friends of Streatham Cemetery, who organised a fantastic bat walk around Streatham Cemetery!
- We developed new ideas around a Films for Action night in Tooting – watch this space.
- We all shared our experiences of Extinction Rebellion protests during April and explored what that inspires for local action.
- Tanya and Leyad from Bring Your Own in Tooting Market came to talk to us about their packaging free shop.
- Professor Robin Matthews talking about the Global Economy and how interconnected everything is!
- Alex Murray gave an intriguing talk on the work of Stopfundinghate and the emerging network of ethical advertisers.
- Vegetanuary! recipe swop – very popular!
- Rosena Chowdhury for an impromptu look at eco-bricks!
- Dermot Jones the Electric Van Man for bringing us up to speed on his first 5000 miles.
- Green Drinkers one and all for getting their sleeves rolled up and stuck into the IPCC report.
- MASSIVE thanks to Kemi Akinola of Be Enriched, Sue Sheehan of Incredible Edible Lambeth, Robyn Knight of Sutton Community Farm and Dr Robert Biel of UCL who sat on our panel for “Local Food is an Expensive Luxury”, read the blog HERE.
- Fio Adamson explored creativity, memory and our connection to nature as well as telling us about the Furzedown Oak and Oakomotion!
- We heard from Susie Morrow about Liveable Neighbourhoods. Check out . And a useful link to find out more about “Liveable Neighbourhoods: CLICK HERE
- We held our first debate! Is Capitalism the best way to achieve a truely social, environmental and economically sustainable future? Standing Room only! Read our blogpost here
- Richard Couldrey for a presentation and discussion on Transition Towns across the UK and the ingredients for groups to thrive and scale up.
- Jenny Edwards from the Climate Reality Project for a great presentation and conversation about the impact of our food choices on climate change.
- We heard all about the Tooting Bec and Broadway Neighbourhood Plan and participated in the initial consultation phases thanks to Jane Briginshaw, Co-Chair of the TootingBB Neighbourhood Forum.
- We got the stats on Wandsworth Borough Recycling and quizzed what could and couldn’t be recycled – sharing ideas for the tricky materials! Thanks Eleanor Glen for the research and presentation!
- We heard all about Global Action Plan and communicating about Climate Change issues.
- Simon from London Green Drinks in Brixton came along and told us all about his Green Oil company for bike cleaning and lubes.
- Nikki Jones – a freelance expert on oil, gas and energy:
- Yen Chet Chong talked about his Climate Action Academy calling on more daily direct action and…
- Nic Fearon-Low from Transiton Town Kingston who gave us a potted history AND let us into some new ideas they are working on like the Million Mile Borough bicycle project – watch this pedal!