Cooking, growing, sewing, singing, dancing, making or mending and more: the community of Tooting has an abundance of skills and talents which also make us stronger together. 

Tooting Can is a free community event for all ages to celebrate and share the skills in Tooting’s diverse community.

  • Do you have a skill or talent to share?
  • Are you already running sessions or workshops or would like to develop something? We can help and support!
  • Are you part of a group that has skills to share?
  • What skills do you see in Tooting that you would like to learn?

Sharing skills
People of any age are welcome to share skills. You choose the duration – say from 10 minutes to an hour. You can share solo or with friends. It’s an informal day, no need to be an expert. Can you share something from your own culture?

If you can offer a skill, please get in touch with us at

We can discuss materials, set-up and duration of your activity and we’ll offer you support on the day.

Thinking about skills to share, don’t underestimate the simpler things people like to try out.  For example you could:

  • offer chess or Scrabble sets and guide participants how to play
  • teach how to do origami
  • show how to create a family tree
  • teach a song, a poem, a nursery rhyme
  • share some basics in your language: hello and how are you? or count to ten
  • …..or suggest any other ideas of yours

Slightly larger scale, for example you could:

  • write poems
  • offer craft work for all ages with paper, paint, pens, textiles, clay and more
  • do observational drawing
  • share tips on smartphone photography
  • share a dish to cook together
  • teach a team game
  • …..or any other ideas of yours

You could use your skills to help organise a successful event!

  • Help us run the day – bring your co-ordination skills
  • Make short phone videos of activities that we can share as a legacy
  • Be a sous-chef in a cooking activity
  • Co-facilitate a session with us to experience leading participatory activities

Thank you – we look forward to the skills you’d like to share!