Thanks so much to St George’s Healthcare NHS Trust for the invitation to have a stand at the Open Day last Saturday – our third year running.
And thanks to all who came to talk, share ideas, participate in the games for all ages, and sign up to our email lists to keep in contact. 

We chose three areas of what we do locally to share with visitors:

  • The Tooting Community Garden
  • Sustainable living and wellbeing games
  • Our sister project, the Furzedown Low Carbon Zone

Some high points included:
Playing with the planet: 
plotting the sources of common foods on the world map

Giant jenga, with green living tips

There were twelve volunteers on the varied activities through the day, and there was a lot of preparation…

Sometimes action takes over

…the most valuable aspect of the day was having the time to talk to visitors about plans and ideas.

Making drinks carton wallets
Rhubarb on the St George’s Allotment

Doing the day together as a team was also special.

TTT and the Furzedown Low Carbon Zone have some great events happening in the next month – see our Events Calendar on the top right of this blog homepage.  

All welcome!


Plus: we are discussing future projects with St George’s
We’ll share news soon..