Local community experimenters Gemma and Jeni trundled the Listening Cart back to school to capture the inner thinking of The Children (whom they believe are indeed our future). Together they looked at repair, what it means to different people and how it might connect us to others through the shared need to fix, not throw […]

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Oasis Wandsworth and ‘My Old Girl and Me’ relive their glorious union for this immensely popular and fun upcycling workshop. Monday 29th November, 2-4 at Tooting Market, bookings can be made via Eventbrite

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We had a very successful time at our October Restart workshop – we started out with only three fixers but two people who came with things to mend joined in and started helping others! Thanks Shazia and Hitha! Restart Parties are a community self-repair space where you take responsibility for your own gadgets and data, […]

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So yesterday’s IPCC’s latest report says human activity is changing the climate in unprecedented and sometimes irreversible ways. [BBC Report]. The Guardian gives its verdict on the climate crimes of humanity as “guilty as hell”. The report itself is likely to be conservative, having been signed up to by all the world’s governments based on […]

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In the 6 weeks following Hallowe’en we’ve facilitated 4 Zoom participative workshops. We’ve been cooking-along, creating and crafting, writing and sharing poems, all in real time. We’ve been building skills, discussing and responding between friends, strangers and generations. ‘Distant Socialising, not Social Distancing’: we’ve been thinking about how this phrase sums up the experience of […]

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